Our Story
The Story of Leaf & Cord is one of discovery. Identifying the peace that comes with working with your hands in the midst of a chaotic world.
I have been a part of the world of higher education for as long as I can remember. I pursued my masters in higher education and spent years in the residence life field serving students at Universities. I found myself emotionally and physically exhausted much of the time responding to mental health crises, putting on late night events, and responding to student’s needs. The summer of 2020 I had the opportunity to work at a local plant store in rural Illinois and in that position I found rest. I left the university I had been working at and followed my profound desire to be working with my hands.
The plant store I work at was looking for someone who could make macrame and I came to the conclusion that I would see if this form of working with my hands would be something that I could do and sustain. Once I started I quickly began trying new styles, failing at many, and trying some more. I found that working with my hands was restful, it pulled on my creative strings and gave me newfound curiosity. I feel as though I have fallen into a spirit sustaining job working with plants and creating macrame. Loving and intertwining leaf and cord.
From my heart to yours,
Rebecca Buehrer